You've probably seen us featured in...

You've probably seen me featured in...

Our novel approach to clutter is changing thousands of lives, and we're just getting started.

We believe in:

  • the power of community

  • removing all judgment and shame around clutter

  • teaching simple decluttering and home organization strategies that anyone can apply

  • building programs that support you in ALL areas of your life as you tackle clutter


Clutter Bootcampers





Step 1: Experience Bootcamp and Ditch Your Clutter-Induced Shame

Clutter Bootcamp is a live event that happens once every 6 weeks. You will learn the foundational lessons you need to start moving forward, meet and work with our incredible community and coaches, and end the week lighter in your home, mind and heart.

Join us in the next Clutter Bootcamp.

Step 2: Join Our Judgment-Free Facebook Community

A supportive, safe, and completely judgment-free community changes everything. Join the It's All Clutter group on Facebook and connect with new clutter buddies!

Step 3: Start Learning: Simple Strategies and Mindset Shifts to Make Letting Go Easier

Learning skills we were never taught as children is the cornerstone of the work we do. You can watch podcast episodes, read the blog, and get lost in incredible interviews with our group members.

Step 4: Find Support by Connecting with a Coach

Our coaching team is here to help you every step of the way. Connect with a coach right now to learn even more about the work we do and to get your burning questions answered.



Hi, I'm Jes! And...


To empower individuals to take action against clutter of

all kinds through compassion-based support.


• Creating a business built on integrity.

• Growing inclusive, judgment-free communities.

• Encouraging environmental activism through conscious consumption practices.

• Breaking down prohibitive financial barriers to decluttering support.

• Stimulating growth through reflection and mindset changes.

How we work with Clients

All the work we do with clients is 100% judgment-free.

We build comprehensive decluttering programs that incorporate learning new skills and embracing mindset shifts to finally tackle your clutter once and for all. We believe that all clutter is connected and by providing resources across multiple disciplines we can fully support our clients.

Our decluttering programs are the first of their kind and have remarkable outcomes. Since 2019, we have worked with over 20,000 clients and our work has garnered national attention and accolades.

Hi, I'm Jes! And...


To empower individuals to take action against clutter of

all kinds through compassion-based support.


✅ Creating a business built on integrity.

✅ Growing inclusive, judgment-free communities.

✅ Encouraging environmental activism through conscious consumption practices.

✅ Breaking down prohibitive financial barriers to decluttering support.

✅ Stimulating growth through reflection and mindset changes.

How we work with Clients

All the work we do with clients is 100% judgment-free.

We build comprehensive decluttering programs that incorporate learning new skills and embracing mindset shifts to finally tackle your clutter once and for all. We believe that all clutter is connected and by providing resources across multiple disciplines we can fully support our clients.

Our decluttering programs are the first of their kind and have remarkable outcomes. Since 2019, we have worked with over 20,000 clients and our work has garnered national attention and accolades.


Will You Be The Next Success Story?


Will You Be The Next Success Story?

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